Wax aftercare kit

  • $30.00
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This wax after care kit will help you maintain amazing results after your wax appointment. The witch hazel wipe are great for the skin by helping with reducing inflammation, help treating acne, soothing irritation, healing wounds, reducing puffiness, tighten pores, fighting bacteria, and help moisturize the skin. The Aquaphor ointment will helps your skin by creating a protective barrier prevents moisture loss while allowing oxygen to reach the skin limiting bacteria growth on the skin preventing  breakouts. It also helps with speeds up healing from the trauma of waxing the skin, and will also aid in soothes the skin. In addition, to receiving what makes waxing a top-tier hair removal experience, it’s recommended to do some type of exfoliation in between waxes. At Iambeauty.Worldwide we encourage you to purchase an exfoliating hand glove. To have the best results with this tool is to exfoliate every other day this will help with textured skin, aid in the removal of dead skin “which can hold odor”, help with ingrown hairs, and improved circulation which can increase collagen production. Make that investment, and add a wax after care kit to your self care regimen.